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Department of Parks and Recreation

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Play DC: Fort Stevens Playground Renovation

Status: Completed

The play space at Fort Stevens Recreation Center is located at 1327 Van Buren Street, NW in Ward 4. The outdoor play area is adjacent to a building that includes both recreation facilities and a senior citizens center. The site currently features play equipment, basketball courts, and tennis courts.


  • First community meeting: November 20, 2012
  • Second community meeting: December 11, 2012
  • Pre-construction presentation: May 13, 2013 6:30 - 8:00PM at Fort Stevens Recreation Center, 1327 Van Buren Street, NW.
  • Construction start date: TBD
  • Expected completion date: Early Fall 2013
  • Open Date: November 1, 2013
  • Ribbon-cutting ceremony: None

What’s New?

The design for Fort Stevens builds on the nearby Civil War fort site with a new play space built around an artificial mound resembling the ramparts of the fort. The low mound provides a separation between play equipment for different age groups as well as space for unstructured play. Behind the recreation center, a new raised garden beds, exercise equipment, and shade will expand the opportunities at Fort Stevens.

How You’ll Move Grow and Be Green

An updated area behind the building will allow seniors and other adults to MOVE on new exercise equipment and residents of all ages to BE GREEN and GROW in their gardening knowledge in new raised garden beds.

Nearby Playgrounds

  • Emery – 5801 Georgia Avenue, NW (0.8 miles away)
  • Takoma – 300 Van Buren Street, NW (0.9 miles away)

Emery and Takoma will also be under construction this year.

Pardon Our Dust

  • Playground will be closed.
  • Dumpster will be relocated.
  • Some work will be done on the courts, but there will not be major closures.

Stay in the Loop with the Office of Planning and Capital Projects

Phone:(202) 673-7647
Email: [email protected]
On Twitter: Use the hashtag #PlayDC 

Playground Address: 1327 Van Buren Street, NW