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Department of Parks and Recreation

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Play DC: Hamilton Playground Renovation

Status: Completed

The play space at Hamilton Recreation Center is located at 1340 Hamilton Street, NW in Ward 4. The site currently includes basketball courts, a field, multi-sport courts and play areas for younger and older children.


  • First community meeting: November 20, 2012
  • Second community meeting: December 11, 2012
  • Community Pre-Construction Meeting: May 30, 2013
  • Construction start date: June 10, 2013
  • Completion date: September 13, 2013
  • Ribbon-cutting ceremony: September 13, 2013

What’s New?

The design for Hamilton enhances the play areas while emphasizing the many uses of the site by an active community. DPR and DGS will improve the surfacing of the existing tot lot and install new equipment for both 2-5 year olds and 6-12 year olds that keeps with the spirit of the existing equipment. An enhanced entryway welcomes all to the site, and a new garden behind the recreation center provides new opportunities for learning and sharing in community. The tennis court and shuffleboard court will be replaced with a paved soccer/futsal court, and the basketball courts will be resurfaced.

How You’ll Move Grow and Be Green

The renovated Hamilton play space will offer new and improved ways to MOVE, such as a new paved soccer/futsal court in place of the existing tennis and shuffleboard court and fitness equipment around the field. New garden beds will provide an opportunity for residents to GROW in their gardening experience and demonstrates the community’s commitment to BE GREEN.

Nearby Playgrounds

  • Upshur – 14th Street, NW and Arkansas Avenue, NW (0.8 miles away)
    *Upshur will also have some site renovations.

Pardon Our Dust

  • The building, field, and basketball courts will remain open
  • The 5-12 play area is closed
  • Camp will still be held

Stay in the Loop with the Office of Planning and Capital Projects

Phone: (202) 673-7647
Email: [email protected]
On Twitter: Use the hashtag #PlayDC 

Playground Address: 1340 Hamilton Street, NW