DPR offers Adult Flag Football Leagues with varied programs of competition for adults. Organized leagues will increase skill level and develop strong character. The leagues are governed by United States Flag Touch Football League (USFTL) rules. Participants must be 18 years old and above. Teams consist of a team roster of 25 players. Leagues are located at various fields throughout the city.
Listed below are the leagues:
- Men’s: 7 on 7
- Women's: 8 on 8
- Coed: 8 on 8
The Department of Parks and Recreation Adult Flag Football Leagues are held during the following time frame:
- Spring - March through June
- Fall - September through November
Please remember that regardless of the league or caliber of competition, the main objective of the program is fun and good sportsmanship.
For more information, or to find out how to participate in DPR's Adult Sports Leagues, contact Luna Harrison, Coordinator of Adult Sports, at [email protected] or (202) 316-4249.