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Frederick Douglass 5K and Oxon Run Trail Ribbon Cutting

Thursday, February 15, 2018

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Michael Tucker Jr., (202) 717-4242, [email protected]
Gregory Jackson Jr., (202) 714-9550, [email protected]

(Washington, DC) - The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) announced the first annual Frederick Douglass 5K fun run/walk and the unveiling of the new Oxon Run Trail will be Saturday, February 17, 2018, 8:30 a.m. at the Oxon Run Park Amphitheater.

The event honoring the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Frederick Douglass will include a ribbon cutting for the newly remodeled run and bike trail in Oxon Run Park.

“There are a number of events going on throughout the country and in the District celebrating Frederick Douglass, so we wanted to do something that would stand out; something that incorporated fitness and the environment,” explained DPR Director Keith A. Anderson.

The event is a collaborative effort between DC Department of Energy and Environment (DDOE), DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) and Mayor Muriel Bowser, who were all instrumental in getting the trail ready for the community to enjoy.

Following registration and a warm up, Frederick Douglass 5k runners will line up at the grand opening ribbon for the Oxon Run Trail. Led by Mayor Bowser, participants will run through the ribbon to start the run/walk along the scenic trail highlighted by huge trees and a creek.

Along the trail will be quotes from Frederick Douglass and interesting facts about this important figure in DC’s history and the Nation’s history. Members of the community will join Mayor Bowser in putting the finishing touches on the planting of an English Elm tree, the same species that shaded Frederick Douglass during his historic speeches of the 1870’s.

The event is sponsored by Blue Skye Construction. Participants will receive a free commemorative Frederick Douglass 5K tee shirt and more for coming out to share this Black History Month experience.

Saturday, February 17, 2018
Registration: 8:00 a.m.
Run/Walk Begins: 8:30 a.m.

Mayor Muriel Bowser
DDOE Director Tommy Wells
DDOT Director Jeff Marootian
DPR Director Keith Anderson

Oxon Run Park Amphitheater
13th and Mississippi Avenue SE

*Closest Metro: Congress Heights Metro Station

For more information or to RSVP for the event visit Press interested in attending contact [email protected]. Follow #FrederickDouglass5K on social media.


About DPR

The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) provides quality urban recreation and leisure services for residents and visitors to the District of Columbia. DPR supervises and maintains area parks, community facilities, swimming pools and spray parks, and neighborhood recreation centers. The agency also coordinates a wide variety of recreation and educational programs including sports leagues, youth development, therapeutic recreation, aquatic programming, outdoor adventure, camping, and senior citizen activities. Adaptive programs and facilities are available for persons with disabilities.