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Department of Parks and Recreation

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Summer Camp Before and After Care (B&A)

If you have questions, or need assistance, DPR's Registration Office can be reached at 202-673-3237 or [email protected].

Before and After (B&A) Care Registration

Before and After Care registration occurs AFTER the summer camp lottery. Everyone who is registered for summer camp will have the opportunity to register for Before and After Care at that site. 

Register for Before and After Care HERE

Reduced Rate qualification does NOT apply to Before and After (B&A) Care fees. 

Important Information 

  • Camp starts promptly at 9 am and ends promptly at 5 pm. Before-care is from 8 am to 9 am and after-care is from 5 pm to 6 pm.
  • Children cannot be dropped off before 8:50 a.m. if they are not enrolled in before-care. Children must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. if they are not enrolled in after-care.
  • Sports Camps do not offer before and after care.
  • All children must be signed in and out of camp daily by a parent or designated adult. Children may not leave DPR property with anyone other than the parent/guardian or designated adult on the registration form. Anyone designated to pick up a child must be listed on the registration form and must be at least 18 years old.
  • If your child is 12 years old or older, and will walk (unaccompanied by an adult / walking alone) to and from camp, you will need to complete a consent form. Your child will sign him/herself in and out of camp. Children under the age of 12 must be signed in and out of camp by a parent or designated adult.
  • Children enrolled in after-care must be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. Parents/guardians picking up a child after the designated time will receive a verbal warning for the first offense and the second offense will warrant late fees. Parents will be charged $10 for every portion of 15 minutes per child based on the program pick-up times. If your child has not been picked up by 6:30 p.m., the proper authorities will be contacted.
  • Late fees will be due within three business days. Invoices will be sent via email and fees can be paid on your DPR account. 
  • Continued disregard for the pick-up time or failure to pay late pick- up fees can be cause for the child’s termination from the program.

For more information about DPR's Summer Camp Before and After Care, please contact DPR's Registration Office at 202-673-3237 or [email protected].