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First Ever #FITDC Forum on Black Health Thursday

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

(WASHINGTON, DC) – The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the racial health gap in America. For the Black community, this disparity is rooted in inequalities that are also responsible for the severity and progression of chronic illnesses. 

In an effort to address this issue, on Thursday, February 25th, #FITDC and AETNA will host a free, virtual forum led by local public health officials and nationally renowned physicians and healthcare industry leaders.

In honor of Black History Month, the #FITDC Forum on Black Health will focus on four major areas of concern when it comes to health in the Black community: Heart Health, Diabetes, Sickle Cell, and Mental Health.

Featured Panelists:

  • Sohail Rana, Howard University, Sickle Cell Disease Expert   
  • Barbara J. Bazron, Director of the DC Department of the Behavioral Health
  • Nina Everett, AETNA, Chief Medical Officer
  • William Blake, Director of Social Emotional Learning – DC Public Schools
  • Clarke Weatherspoon, Head of SF Friends School, SKY Instructor

The virtual event is free and open to all residents who want to from learn experts about individual tips, new technology, and the latest health strategies to combat chronic diseases. The virtual event will start at 7:30 pm and include an hour-long panel discussion, followed by a Q&A session. All who are interested can RSVP and sign up at

The #FITDC Forum on Black Health is the latest virtual health resource provided by Mayor Bowser’s #FITDC3 initiative.  Powered by AETNA, a CVS Health company, and executed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, with the help of Sky Schools Meditation, #FITDC3 is a year-long campaign featuring:

  • Online fitness content and nutrition information for the body
  • Monthly mental health hacks and good habits to adopt for the mind
  • Virtual fitness events that unite and inspire communities to be their healthiest selves.


As the title partner, AETNA will provide essential health and wellness expertise and interactive content to build an online experience for the campaign. They will also provide access to a series of habit-forming, mental health lessons that are specifically tailored for managing stress and anxiety amid the ongoing public health emergency.

The #FITDC3 campaign works with local, small businesses and wellness professionals in the fitness industry to highlight lesser-known health resources that are available across all 8 wards. Content and programming for this campaign will be free and open to the public, appearing across digital and television platforms, and also made available on a new website, The “3” in #FITDC is intended to be a reminder and a call-to-action for the District to take control of their total health picture and be intentional about making positive health decisions that affect their body, mind, and community.


WHEN: Thursday, February 25, 2021 - 7:30pm


Online Virtual Forum, free, open to the public RSVP at




Social Media:


Mayor Bowser Twitter: @myfitdc

Mayor Bowser Instagram: @myfitdc



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