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Department of Parks and Recreation
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CIP: Benning Stoddert Community Center

Benning Stoddert Rendering

Project Description

The community center modernization includes: a large muti-purpose area; cooperative play meeting space; larger locker rooms; increased storage; a prepping and warming kitchen; ADA accessiblity upgrades; administrative offices for site staff and coaches; a computer room and more.
Site improvements will include: ADA upgrades for parking and approach to the building, upgrades to site utilities and landscape features designed to meet current storm water management requirements.

Project Stats

Project Name: Benning Stoddert Community Center
Address:  100 Stoddert Place, SE
Ward: 7
DPR Project Manager: Ella Faulkner
Status: Pre-construction
Issues: Members of the community, as well as the ANC, have expressed concerns regarding the reduction of the center's size/square footage.
Current Budget: $6,750,000.--
DGS Updates: For construction updates, project updates and more, please visit the DGS - Benning Stoddert Project Page.

Schedule/Key Milestone Table

Title Actual Start/
Event Date
Completion Date
Completion Date
Design April 2015 September 2015 -----
Ground Breaking November 2015 ---- -----
Ribbon Cutting Spring 2016 ---- -----
Substantial Completion   ---- Summer 2016 -----
Beneficial Occupancy ---- Summer 2016 -----