Project Description
Project will include select renovations to the recreation center. An elevator will be added to the facility to facilitate ADA access between the gymnasium and the recreation center. Lower level bathrooms will be renovated for ADA compliance. Accessibility and flow as it relates to the park will be reviewed and re-worked; and new playground equipment and spaces will be installed. A new, larger splash pad will be installed and a small parking area will be constructed near the front of the building.
Project Stats
Project Name: Fort Davis Community Center
Address: 1400 41st Street, SE
Ward: 7
DPR Project Manager: Brent Sisco / Peter Nohrden
Status: Construction
Issues: BAFO/re-bid required due to budget constraints. GCC commissioning added per DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA).
Current Budget: $4,500,000.--
DGS Updates: For construction updates, project updates and more, please visit the DGS - Fort Davis Project Page.
Schedule/Key Milestone Table
Title | Actual Start/ Event Date |
Forecasted Completion Date |
Actual Completion Date |
Design | January 27, 2015 | ---- | May 30, 2015 |
Ground Breaking | ---- | Winter 2015 | ----- |
Site Closes to Public | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Construction Starts | ---- | ----- | ----- |
Construction Ends | ---- | ----- | ----- |
Site Reopens to Public | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Ribbon Cutting | ---- | Summer 2016 | ----- |
Substantial Completion | ---- | Summer 2016 | ----- |
Beneficial Occupancy | ---- | Summer 2016 | ----- |