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September Begins Fall Fun at DPR

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
DPR bundles up with activities, sports, and more this fall.

DPR bundles up with activities, sports, and more this fall.

DPR Customer Service: (202) 673-7647
DPR Media Contact: John Stokes, (202) 288-7275

(Washington, DC) - This September, the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is filled with opportunities for fun! Review the list of highlighted events below, and remember this is only a glimpse of the many activities and programs you can find at DPR throughout September. More information about DPR events and programs can be found everyday by visiting a DC Department of Parks and Recreation center, by contacting DPR at (202) 673-7647 or on DPR's website: DPR.DC.GOV.

Throughout the year the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) offers an exciting variety of programs, classes, and special events. Listed below are just some of the many activities offered this month by DPR. For more information on these or other events, visit any DPR center.


September 10, 2011
Harry Thomas Community Day and Boxing Show
Harry Thomas Community Center, 1743 Lincoln Road, NE
Time: 11am – 7pm
All Ages
Community Day Activities, Health Screening, Guest Speakers, Live Entertainment and Boxing Matches from 3pm – 6pm.

September 12, 2011
Cross Country Begins
Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Avenue, NE
Time: 6pm – 7:30pm
Age: 6 - 18
Competitive track & field and cross country program instructed by certified USATF (USA Track & Field Association) coaches. Youth are instructed in the sport of long distance running as well as basic conditioning encouraging health awareness and a positive attitude toward a lifetime of fitness. Youth participate in meets that extend outside the metropolitan area at distances between 1K and 4K depending on the age of the child.


September 17, 2011
ISCOPES Kick Off Day
Lederer Community Garden Center
4801 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave NE
Time: 12pm-4pm
All Ages
Students from George Washington University will spend the afternoon volunteering at the garden.

September 17, 2011
Backyard Wildlife Habitat Workshop: Beautiful and Edible Native Plants
Friendship Community Garden, 4210 45th St. NW
Time: 1pm – 4pm
All Ages
The Department of the Environment and the Department of Parks & Recreation, in Partnership with Audubon MD/DC, are presenting free workshops that will teach residents about creating wildlife habitat in an urban setting. The workshops will consist of presentations and hands-on activities. Participants will help plant a garden with native plants and will receive a book, a native plant guide, a birdhouse kit and live plants to help them begin creating a wildlife habitat at home.

September 22, 2011
Backyard Wildlife Habitat Workshop: Converting a Blighted Lot
Kramer St. Vacant Lot
Time: 6pm – 8pm
All Ages
The Department of the Environment and the Department of Parks & Recreation, in partnership with Audubon MD/DC, are presenting free workshops that will teach residents about creating wildlife habitat in an urban setting.
The workshops will consist of presentations and hands-on activities. Participants will help plant a garden with native plants and will receive a book, a native plant guide, a birdhouse kit and live plants to help them begin creating a wildlife habitat at home.

September 24, 2011
Backyard Wildlife Habitat Workshop: Planting in tree Boxes and Other Small Spaces
Columbia Heights Recreation Center
1480 Girard St. NW
Time: 1pm – 4pm
All Ages
The Department of the Environment and the Department of Parks & Recreation, in partnership with Audubon MD/DC, are presenting free workshops that will teach residents about creating wildlife habitat in an urban setting. The workshops will consist of presentations and hands-on activities. Participants will help plant a garden with native plants and will receive a book, a native plant guide, a birdhouse kit and live plants to help them begin creating a wildlife habitat at home.


September 16, 2011
“Just Read” Program (In Partnerships with the Greater Washington Boys & Girls Club)
Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Avenue, NE
Time: 5:30pm – 9pm
Ages: 13 - 19
September is Literacy Month and 100 teens will read the book - Last Part First - author Angela Johnson, Coretta Scott King Literary Award Winner. The story is based on a Teenage Father raising his daughter on his own. This activity will create a form to spark the issues around Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Health partners are being invited to conduct four 20 minute workshops and distribute literature. There will also be food, fun and games after the workshops. For more information, call Lou Hall Jr., at (202) 671-0451.


September 9, 2011
Concert on the Commons
Chevy Chase Community Center, 5601 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Time: 7pm - 9pm
All Ages
Enjoy an old fashion movie night (TBA). Bring a blanket or your favorite lawn chair. Sit back and relax under the stars! Movie is free. For more information, call Ralph Wright at (202) 282-2204.

September 10, 2011
22nd Annual Glover Park Day
Guy Mason Recreation Center,
Time: 11am-5pm
All Ages
Glover Park Day is an annual festival bringing out the best of Glover Park Day. There will be live local bands, food available from many of our local restaurants, a craft fair, community flea market, kid activities and a lot more! For more information, call Caryl King at (202) 727-7527.

September 14, 2011
National Cream Filled Donut Day
Stoddert Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert Street, NW
Time: 4pm – 5:30pm
Ages: 6-12
Participants will enjoy a fun filled evening of music and donut refreshments from Krispy Kreme Donuts and Dunkin Donuts. For more information, call Ricky Davenport at (202) 299-3324.

September 14, 2011
Back to School Bash
R.H. Terrell/ Walker Jones Recreation Center 155 L Street, NW
Time: 5pm-7:30pm
Ages: 9-18
Youth will come together and enjoy light refreshment, games and fun, listen to music and youth will discuss the upcoming school year. For more information, call C. Kimble at (202) 939-5948.

September 16, 2011
Video Game Night
Kennedy Recreation Center, 1401 7th Street, NW
Time: 6pm – 8pm
All Ages
Participants will compete in a tournament style in basketball, football, bowling, and dance on Wii, Xbox and Playstation systems. For more information, call Rochelle Bradshaw, Recreation Specialist at (202) 671-4794.

September 17, 2011
Council Member Cheh Back to School Bar-B-Q
Chevy Chase Community Center
All Ages
Enjoy a day of fun filled activities, food and musical entertainment. For more information, call
Enrique Leiva at (202) 282-2198.

September 17, 2011
Youth Empowerment Day
Takoma Community Center, 300 Van Buren Street, NW
Time: 1pm – 4pm
All Ages
Join us for an action pack day where government agencies and community based organizations come together to share information resources and activities on health and fitness to empower our youth and encourage them to be successful in every area of their lives. We will have entertainment, refreshments and lots of give always! For more information, call Al Cook at (202) 576-7068.

September 17, 2011
AMBA Basketball Tournament
Kalorama Basketball Court, 1875-Columbia Rd. NW
Time: 10am – 6pm
Ages: 10 and up
First ever (AMBA) Adams Morgan Basketball Tournament, new court dedication; 10-12 yr olds will have a half court demonstration and 13 & over male and female teams will compete. Fresh fruit (apples, oranges & bananas); water & juice will be served to the participants. An awards ceremony will follow the tournament. For more information, call John Borges, Site Manager at (202) 673-7606. .

September 20, 2011
U Street Movie Series Harrison Field Under The Stars
Harrison Recreation Center, 1330 V Street, NW
Time: 7pm – 10pm
All Ages
Free movie program that begins around sundown. The movie will be “Short: Big Birding Day featuring bag it”. For more information, call Toni Plater-McBride at (202) 673-6865.

September 28, 2011
International Night-Foods from Different Nationalities
Hardy Recreation Center, 4500 Q Street, NW
Time: 6pm – 8pm
All Ages
Participants will enjoy a fun-filled day of dining and interacting with friends and neighbors of all cultures. For more information, call Connie Ratliff at (202) 282-2190.