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Department of Parks and Recreation

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DPR Geocaching

Are you ready to join the world's largest treasure hunt? Well it starts right here in D.C.

Geocaching is an any day, anytime adventure which can lead you all over our beautiful city and connect you with your local environment. Right now, there are over 2 million active "Geocaches" (small treasures in hidden containers that you can search for with a smart phone or GPS) placed all over the world; hundreds of them are located within the District.

DPR has implemented a new Geocaching program in which various facilities have been outfitted with geocaches along a Geochaching trail. For beginners DPR Geocaching is a great experience a worldwide phenomenon for the first time. For veterans, it's a perfect excuse to explore new areas of DC and get acquainted with some of DPR's best locations.

Current DPR Geocaching Series:

Learn more about Geocaching & Create an Individual Account