The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) offers a full-day camping option for 6-12-year-olds during the DC Public Schools (DCPS) winter break: Winter Wondercamp! The overarching theme for the camps will incorporate DPR’s “Move, Grow, and Be Green” philosophy, as we plant the seeds of personal development.
Important Information
- Registration Opens: TBD
- Camp dates: December 27 - 29, 2023
- Camp is offered 9 am - 4 pm. Please note that before and after care is not available for this program.
- DPR does not provide meals for this program. Please see "KCC's Food and Snack Policy" below.
How to Register
- The link to apply for Winter Wondercamp will be available at DPRprograms.com when it is available.
- Fees – DC Resident: $40 per child, per session, due at registration.
Refunds are not available for Break Camps
- Check the link at DPRprograms.com to see the listing of locations.
Camp Resources
DPR Kids, Camps & Co-Op FUNquarters
1275 First Street NE, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009 | (202) 671-0372 | [email protected]