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Department of Parks and Recreation

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Department of Parks and Recreation

Department of Parks and Recreation Logo
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Connect With Us
1275 First Street, NE, 8th floor, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 673-7647
Fax: (202) 673-2087
TTY: 711
Email: [email protected]

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Communal Farms and Partner Urban Farms


Communal Farms

DPR Communal Farms are urban Ag sites that are organized as communal production farms, managed by DPR staff and community volunteers, with the purpose of providing various ways for community members to volunteer, participate in hands-on educational opportunities, and to receive free veggies including (4) weekly veggie giveaways from May to December.


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